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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Character Analysis of Goliath: Short story by Neil Gaiman


Character Analysis of Goliath

1.  Goliath(major)

Goliath is the protagonist and narrator of the story. His body is quite bigger amongst the other human beings. He loved the computers and machine so much that he became the flying officer

His view about the world is pessimistic that this world is cheap, waste, bad and fake and everything in this world is materialistic. He imagined the world around himself that material things are melting and the thing only remain is blackness. He thinks that this world is unreal and we are only a unit of memory.

He thinks about himself very rationally that people like himself die before reaching the age of forty due to his size. He told an another guy at the same time at the age of nineteen years, his height is seven feet he scares children. He himself was not the devil minded but his huge figure scares the pure and innocent children. It also suggests that he was not living a normal life.

He married two times in his life. He first married to Sandra and have two kids. She left her when he was in his late 20s almost 27 years old. His second wife was Susan with whom he has boy. But he left her wife because he has to go in his mission.

He sacrifices his life to save the Earth.

2.   Horn-Rimmed spectacle man(major)

He is the only man in the story whom the Goliath encountered every time. Writer did not give him any name. Writer has given a description of this man through his voice and dressing. He is the RAF recruiting officer. A well-dressed man with American accent.

He first time met with the Goliath when he was sixteen years old. Then he encounters with him in street and gave the information about the attack of enemy and also warns about him that we can anytime be eliminated from Earth.

Third time when alien sent missile to earth, he appeared in railway train to Euston when Goliath was also there. They met after years. It’s seems more like Goliath’s hallucination whenever alien attacks the Earth.

3.  Sandra (minor)

Sandra was the first wife of the Goliath. Sandra met with Goliath at swimming bath. But when she was on her pregnancy state having two kids. She easily gets annoyed on small things. She easily become stressed. So, she left her husband in that state. Sandra has a minor role in this story.

4.  Susan(minor)

Susan is the second wife of Goliath which he announced at the end of the story in the voice note.

He has the one son from Susan. Susan is the lovely black girl with a nice temper. She gets frightened very easily. Goliath met with her first time in train. She fell in love with Goliath and moved in the same apartment with him. Goliath sends his last voice to Susan because he loves her so much and Susan also love him that she doesn’t want to listen from him the things which takes him away.



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